We are wholesalers and importers of loose diamonds in various sizes, shapes, and qualities. We stress upon Acquiring diamonds in ideal-cut ranges with strong emphasis on superb crystal quality.
Our diamonds mostly originate in rough material from South Africa and are polished in Antwerp, Belgium.
Our diamonds have been purchased from legitimate sources not involved in funding conflict and in compliance with United Nations resolutions. We herby guarantee that these diamonds are conflict free based on personal knowledge and/or Written guarantees provided by the supplier of these diamonds.
Most of our diamonds are certified by either G.I.A, E.G.L, or A.G.S laboratories.
Our overseas jewelry factories manufacture one-of-a kind masterpieces that are exclusively designed by our artists. The collection comprises of breathtaking jewels that adorn beautiful ladies across the world.
We consign and sell to jewelry dealers of the trade at the most competitive prices.