Can you crush a diamond in a hydraulic press?
The brilliant Hydraulic press channel which has gained internet fame for crushing everyday objects such as Coins and Golf Balls has topped their crushable objects list with the help of a genuine certified 1.2 Carat Diamond. Donated by the very generous the $4000 Diamond undergoes the stresses of the press to see if it can be crushed.
Lauri Vuohensilta – the crazy guy behind the channel asks the question: “They say diamonds are forever, but how long?”
The guys over at explain why the diamond is broken so easily?
“As some have pointed out, the “hardness” that diamonds are known for only really refers to their ability to be scratch-resistant. While the covalent bonds between the diamond atoms themselves are extremely strong, diamonds can also be brittle, especially if there’s any kind of defect or it’s been poorly cut. Scientists have even discovered materials that are actually harder than diamonds, such as wurtzite boron nitride and lonsdaleite.”
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